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People and the new production model, at the center of the 2018 budgets

发表于 2023-12-14 17:05:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 pauljoy1548 于 2023-12-14 17:32 编辑

The Minister of Finance wondered how the autonomous region could be the worst financed and yet the one with the greatest economic growth, with a forecast of 3.1% compared to the 2.6% national average. Soler said he did not understand what "divine decision " this asymmetry was responding to, which meant financing of 115 million less in state transfers, which will cause a financial expense to the regional coffers of 14.3 million. For this reason, he defended the inclusion of an item of 1,325 million, which is what would correspond to fair financing, maintaining the quality of fundamental public services and bringing us closer to the average of other autonomous communities. The deficit would remain around 1.7%.

People-centered budgets

Soler recalled that Les Corts unanimously established that the Email Data autonomy annually receives 1.6 billion less than what it is entitled to, adding underfinancing and underinvestment.

Soler appeared accompanied by the vice president of the Consell, Mónica Oltra, who had to answer if the budget would be approved with the votes of her partner Podemos. Oltra assured that the economic plan responds to the Botanical Pact and that it puts people at the center, aid to change the productive model, support for R&D&I, transparency, the fight against corruption and the measures to alleviate climate change.

Payment of debt

The budget that the Consell will defend in Les Corts amounts to almost 20,000 million euros, 12.6% higher than this year. One of the largest items corresponds to financial obligations, with an allocation of 4.7 billion euros, which represents almost 25% of the total budget and an increase of 36% compared to this year.

By department, the lion's share corresponds to Health, with 6,390 million euros, an increase of 4.6%. Soler highlighted the increase in aid for health co-payment for incomes of less than 18,000 euros, as well as investments of 24.5 million to dignify health infrastructures and another item of 5.7 million for emergency investments in the Alzira area.

Education is the second department with the largest endowment, 4,720 million, an increase of 3.5%. The items that increase the most in percentage terms are those for culture (12%) and sports (23%). 200 million are allocated to construction and maintenance of buildings and 2,736 million to consolidate the increase in teaching staff and specific multilingualism plans.

University scholarships will experience an increase of 35% and 94% more budget will also be allocated to the Consortium of Museums, in addition to one million euros to Ivam for the promotion of the plastic arts.

The vice presidency and the equality department will have a budget of 1,194 million, 13.8% more than in the current budget. Items such as the fight against sexist violence or the 88 million allocated to inclusion income in the battle against poverty are increased.

Support for the new production model

Sustainable economy and productive sectors will have a budget of 392 million. It is worth highlighting the 27 million that are allocated to the improvement of industrial parks; the 120 million for the Ivace or the support line for the industrial sectors of 17.5 million, while active employment policies will receive 22% more financial allocation.

Territory will receive 388 million. Among the items, the increase in the Renhata Plan stands out with a provision of 5.5 million. In terms of housing, 12 million euros are allocated to investments to expand the public rental housing stock. Items of special interest are those destined for the modernization and improvement of the Generalitat Railway networks. In this sense, 44 million have been provided for the Serra Grossa tunnel in Alicante, T2 in València, the electrification of the tram in Benidorm or the modernization of L9 of the Alicante tram.

Other infrastructure planned is the burying of the roads in Burjassot, the southwest ring road of Vila-Real or the improvement of the road between Elche and Santa Pola, works that will receive 100 million.

Agriculture grows 11% to reach 352 million, which includes CAP aid (49 million); 32 million will be allocated to improving irrigation and 37 to the management of natural and forest areas. The prevention and fight against forest fires grows by 6 million to reach 25 million euros.

Justice will have a budget of 313 million, 6.8% more than this year. 38.5 million are allocated to the payment of associations of lawyers and attorneys as financing of free justice

The Presidency of the Generalitat receives an endowment of 309 million, which includes the budgets of the Valencian Tourism Agency and the Valencian Innovation Agency, which in its first year of operation will have 28 million.

299 million represents the endowment of the Treasury, the department that has grown the least percentage-wise, 2.7%. The objectives are to launch the public bank and promote the new economic model; provision of personnel and means of the future Valencian Tax Agency and the modernization of the administration and the commitment to new technologies to which 25 million euros are allocated.

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